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The technology | Tacho Spion

The technology

The technology

Every running motor produces ultrasonic noises.
Just as with the human voice and finger-prints.

The source of the ultrasound can be identified, recorded and analysed, motors from different manufactures have individual sound signatures.

Every engine has its own individual “voice“, which changes through its lifetime, and it is dependant on the degree of wear and the present frictional status.

Therefore our testing method with Tacho Spion (Speedo Spy) gives a clear picture of the condition of the engine, which results from the quality and frequency of service, the way it has been driven and as well as the real distance being driven.

The principles of ultrasonic fault-finding are well known in the industry mainly developed to check on large high tec systems. Ultrasonic sounds are often indicators of defects, and with the extreme sensitivity of the UL 101, these can be detected in early stages.

SpeedoSpy has been used since 2001 to analyse over 9.900 motor/chassis combinations.

This results in a total of over 250,000 measurements, each tied in to the indicated driven mileage and has produced a statistically valid data-base for our present and future tests and evaluations.

To achieve an accuracy of ± 10% miles compared with the odometer reading is dependant on the real distance being travelled, on the quality of maintenance and the type of driving (city or highway, passive or sportive).

The measuring takes only a few minutes and requires no disassembling of the engine.

The measured values are compared with the data-base online, and the results are available instantly.

Just like the engine, other components can be checked, such as:

Water pump
Power steering pump